Topic: Anomaly of the GOES-17 Clear Sky Temperature (CSR) and All Sky Temperature (ASR) BUFR Products

Date/Time Issued: Dec 21, 2022 1603 UTC

Product or Data Impacted: CSR/ASR BUFR 

Date/Time of Initial Impact: October 31, 2022 1140Z

Date/Time of Expected End: N/A

Length of the Outage/Event: None

Details/Specifics of Change: 

The GOES-17 Clear Sky Temperature and All Sky Temperature BUFR data products produced from ABI Channels 7 -16 are set to use a hard-coded Focal Point Temperature (FPT) threshold at 88K in the algorithm. During the cooling period when FPT fluctuates throughout the day with a peak sometime around 14z, any elevated temperatures beyond this limit impacts the generation of CSR/ASR production causing  no data or fill values to be present. Setting the threshold  to a higher value would produce a degraded  CSR/ASR product. This scenario is avoided by using  the same limit for all channels. The GOES-18 CSR/ASR will be replacing the GOES-17 CSR/ASR starting from January 4, 2023. 

 Contact information for further information: ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880 24x7 or during normal business hours

 Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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