Topic: Declaration of GOES-18 as GOES-West Operational Satellite on January 4, 2023 at 1800 UTC

Date/Time Issued: December 5, 2022 1730 UTC

Product(s) or Data Impacted: All GOES-18 ABI, GLM, SUVI, SEISS, MAG, and EXIS products and services

Date/Time of Initial Impact: January 4, 2023 at 1800 UTC

Date/Time of Expected End: N/A

Length of Outage: N/A

Details/Specifics of Change

On January 4, 2023 at 1800 UTC,  the GOES-18 satellite will be declared the Operational GOES-West satellite. Until that transition date and during this final period of Post Launch Product Testing (PLPT), GOES-18 products are considered non-operational regardless of their validation maturity level. All products and services (e.g., GRB, AWIPS, PDA, CLASS, NODD) containing GOES-17 data will be transitioned to GOES-18 data.  GOES-18 will continue to operate out of its current location of 137.0 degrees west through the transition. 

Following the transition of GOES-18 to GOES-West, GOES-17 will commence drifting to the storage location at 105.0 degrees west. 


Contact Information for Further Information: Steve Superczynski at or SPSD User Services at


Websites for Applicable Information:

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