Update #16: As of Thursday,  August 18, 2022, the S-NPP VIIRS SDRs, VIIRS Imagery EDR, and SST EDR are approved for operational use and NDE/PDA subscriptions for those products will be enabled at 2130 UTC, August 18, 2022. Direct Broadcast users can use the equivalent CSPP LEO products for operations.The other VIIRS EDRs require additional analysis.

The Blended Hydro Product and NUCAPS Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) EDRs NDE/PDA subscriptions will be enabled at 2130 UTC, August 18, 2022. No significant issues have been noted during the preliminary evaluations of the Blended Hydro Product and NUCAPS OLR EDRs and the Product Area Leads continue to work with the EDR science teams to validate product performance. User feedback on the EDRs is encouraged. 

The OMPS SDR and EDR teams continue to evaluate OMPS product quality. Users who have any questions or feedback may contact OSPO’s JPSS Data Operations Manager at james.mcnitt@noaa.gov and include the ESPC Help Desk on the cc line (ESPCOperations@noaa.gov).


Update #15: As of Tuesday, August 16, 2022, the ATMS SDR, TDR, and Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS) EDR products and CrIS SDR product (including the ATMS and CrIS KPP products) are approved for operational use and NDE/PDA subscriptions for those products will be enabled at 2130 UTC, August 16, 2022. Direct Broadcast (DB) users can use the equivalent CSPP LEO products for operations.  

The VIIRS and OMPS SDR and EDR teams continue to evaluate product quality. DB users are advised not to use the S-NPP VIIRS data for operations until OSPO sends the ESPC Notification stating that the data product has been approved for operational use. S-NPP VIIRS and OMPS product subscriptions on PDA OPS will be enabled as each product is cleared for operations by the Cal/Val teams and Product Area Leads (PAL) and approved by OSPO’s Satellite Products and Services Division (SPSD). OSPO will issue an ESPC Notification prior to distributing the product on PDA OPS. At that point CSPP LEO users can use the equivalent CSPP product for operations. Users who have any questions may contact OSPO’s JPSS Data Operations Manager at james.mcnitt@noaa.gov and include the ESPC Help Desk on the cc line (ESPCOperations@noaa.gov).


Update #14: ATMS, CrIS, VIIRS and OMPS are all powered on and producing science data. Cal/Val teams and PALs are assessing products, and are all headed in a positive direction. CERES is assessing some issues that may affect Cal/Val. This science data will only be available through GRAVITE, CLASS and NDE I&T through which the Cal/Val teams and PALs can perform their full analysis. 

Full product recovery is expected to require approximately 2-3 weeks. PDA OPS subscriptions for all S-NPP products have been disabled. S-NPP product subscriptions will be activated for distribution through PDA OPS after each product is cleared for operations by the product recovery team. Users who have any questions may directly contact OSPO’s JPSS Data Operations Manager at james.mcnitt@noaa.gov and include the ESPC Help Desk on the cc line (ESPCOperations@noaa.gov).


Update #13: Instrument science data activation activities continued today, Thursday, August 11. CrIS was placed in full operational mode at ~19:45 UTC. This science data will only be available through GRAVITE, CLASS and NDE I&T through which the Cal/Val teams and PALs can perform their full analysis.

Full product recovery is expected to require approximately 2-3 weeks. PDA OPS subscriptions for all S-NPP products have been disabled. S-NPP product subscriptions will be activated for distribution through PDA OPS after each product is cleared for operations by the product recovery team. Users who have any questions may directly contact OSPO’s JPSS Data Operations Manager at james.mcnitt@noaa.gov and include the ESPC Help Desk on the cc line (ESPCOperations@noaa.gov).


Update #12: The S-NPP High Rate Data (HRD) downlink was activated on August 11, 2022, at 14:35 UTC. Direct Broadcast (DB) users are advised not to use the S-NPP science data for operations until OSPO sends the ESPC Notification stating that the data product has been approved for operational use. S-NPP product subscriptions on PDA OPS remain disabled. Product subscriptions on PDA OPS will be enabled as each product is cleared for operations by the Cal/Val teams and Product Area Leads (PAL) and approved by OSPO’s Satellite Products and Services Division (SPSD). OSPO will issue an ESPC Notification prior to distributing the product on PDA OPS. At that point CSPP LEO users can use the equivalent CSPP product for operations.  


Update #11: Instrument science data activation activities commenced today, Wednesday, August 10 and will continue through tomorrow, Thursday, August 11. All thermal and power systems on the S-NPP spacecraft remain nominal. ATMS was placed in operational mode at 15:33:53 UTC, with the first available observation data starting at 15:33:30 UTC. VIIRS was placed in full operational mode, following the DNB (Day Night Band) table updates and Daily Activity Schedule (DAS) loads at ~20:08 UTC. OMPS was placed in full operational mode at 19:12 UTC.  Cal/Val teams are focusing their analysis on observed data following this timeline. CERES was placed in full operational mode at ~18:57 UTC. CERES science data will not be available until next week, after the required instrument checkouts have been conducted by vendor and cal/val teams and a DAS has been uploaded. This science data will only be available through GRAVITE, CLASS and NDE I&T through which the Cal/Val teams and PALs can perform their full analysis.  The HRD transmitter remains off and is currently planned to be turned on by August 12. Direct Broadcast (DB) users are advised that science data will not be of operational quality pending full product recovery. 

Full product recovery is expected to require approximately 2-3 weeks. PDA OPS subscriptions for all S-NPP products have been disabled. S-NPP product subscriptions will be activated for distribution through PDA OPS after each product is cleared for operations by the product recovery team. Users who have any questions may directly contact OSPO’s JPSS Data Operations Manager at james.mcnitt@noaa.gov and include the ESPC Help Desk on the cc line (ESPCOperations@noaa.gov).


Update #10: Instrument heater activation activities were completed on Monday, August 8. Instrument power-on activities started today, Tuesday, August 9 and will continue through tomorrow, Wednesday, August 10. The earliest the instrument activation process for science data could start is Wednesday, August 10. The process will be sequential and is expected to occur in the order of ATMS, VIIRS, OMPS, CERES, and CrIS. After all of the instruments are activated then the HRD transmitter will be powered on. However, the science data will not be cleared for operational use until the Sensor Data Record (SDR) and Environmental Data Record (EDR) product Cal/Val teams check each S-NPP product. Science data from Interface Data Processing Segment (IDPS) will be available on Government Resource for Algorithm Verification, Independent Test, and Evaluation (GRAVITE) for the Cal/Val teams and NDE I&T for the Product Area Leads (PAL), and will be archived in Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS). Full product recovery is expected to require approximately 2-3 weeks after the instruments start providing science data. Product Distribution and Access  (PDA) OPS subscriptions for all S-NPP products have been disabled. S-NPP product subscriptions will be activated for distribution through PDA OPS after each product is cleared for operations by the product recovery team. Users who have any questions may directly contact OSPO’s JPSS Data Operations Manager at james.mcnitt@noaa.gov and include the ESPC Help Desk on the cc line (ESPCOperations@noaa.gov).


Update #9: All instruments have been offline since Friday, July 29, 2022. Instrument heater activation activities started today, Aug 3, 2022, and will continue throughout the week. The instrument activation sequence is tentatively planned to start next week (August 8-12) and the data product evaluation process is tentatively planned to start during the week of August 15-19. The High Rate Data (HRD) transmitter is powered off.  Users who have any questions may directly contact OSPO’s JPSS Data Operations Manager at james.mcnitt@noaa.gov and include the ESPC Help Desk on the cc line (ESPCOperations@noaa.gov). 


Update #8: S-NPP transitioned to Mission Point mode on Friday, July 29, 2022.  The S-NPP HRD transmitter was powered off on July 29, 2022 at 16:04 UTC. Engineering continues to troubleshoot.  

Update #7: As of 17:00 UTC (Aug 01, 2022) there have been no changes in status since the last update as engineering continues to troubleshoot. 

Update #6: As of 1730 UTC (Jul 28, 2022), efforts are underway to investigate the S-NPP anomaly and prepare a plan to return the S-NPP spacecraft back to nominal status. These efforts are expected to continue into next week. S-NPP is in sun point (sun-safe) mode and all instruments are in a safe state.  Although the HRD transmitter remains on, Direct Broadcast (DB) users are advised that science data is not available. All missed data will not be recoverable. No data is available starting at 16:09 UTC, July 26, 2022. 

The NOAA-20 spacecraft (the primary satellite) will continue to provide all the primary JPSS science data needs. Users are advised that when instruments are recovered, products will not be available from PDA until the products are checked out by the instrument and calibration and validation teams.    

Users who have any questions may directly contact OSPO’s JPSS Data Operations Manager at james.mcnitt@noaa.gov and include the ESPC Help Desk on the cc line (ESPCOperations@noaa.gov). 


Update #5: There have been no changes in status since the last update as engineering continues to troubleshoot. An update to this notice will be posted as new information becomes available. 


Update #4: After further investigation, the SNPP spacecraft entered a non-nominal state at ~16:24:49 UTC on Jul 26, 2022, after which all SMD and telemetry data was inaccessible. While the root cause continues to be investigated, subsequent contacts have confirmed the spacecraft and all instruments are currently in a safe mode state. Engineering will continue to restore all instruments and science data to an operational state once a plan forward has been determined. All missed data will not be recoverable. The NOAA-20 spacecraft will continue to provide all the primary JPSS science data needs. An update to this notice will be posted by 15:00 UTC on Jul 27, 2022.


Update #3: IDPS is still not receiving NPP SMD data. The problem is still being investigated.


Update #2: IDPS is still not receiving NPP SMD data. The problem is still being investigated.


Update #1: IDPS is still not receiving NPP SMD data due to a possible antenna issue. The problem is being investigated.


Topic: JPSS NPP SMD Data Delay


Date/Time Issued: August 18, 2022  2027Z  


Product(s) or Data Impacted: JPSS NPP Data Products


Date/Time of Initial Impact: July 26, 2022 1625Z


Date/Time of expected end Time: TBD


Length of Outage: TBD


Details/Specifics of Change: JPSS NPP Stored Mission Data (SMD) for SVL rev 55680 was not received due to ground hardware issues. Data recovery will be attempted during SVL rev 55681.


Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov and 301-817-3880

Web Site(s) for Applicable Information: N/A

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