Update #3: S-NPP and NOAA-20 MIRS v11.8 backed out to the previous MIRS version v11.4 @16:30Z due to an issue in MIRS v11.8.
Update #2: The product list table in the notification has been updated.
Update #1: This is a reminder that the NDE System upgrade will occur, tomorrow, July 21, 2022
Topic: NDE System Upgrade
Date/Time Issued: July 22, 2022 1655 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: All NDE products
Date/Time of Initial Impact: July 21, 2022 1530 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: July 21, 2022 1800 UTC
Length of Outage: 2.5 hours
Details/Specifics of Change:
The July 21, 2022 installation of NDE release 2.0.32 is planned to occur during back orbits. NDE will not be ingesting, processing or distributing data during installation. No data loss is expected, but there will be a possible backlog of processing when installation is complete.
New/Updated products included in this release are:
VIIRS Flood Mapping (details will be included in a separate release notice)
Impact on users: New Products
VIIRS Flood Mapping (VFM) products will be available on PDA and short names and file names are listed below.
Operational Updates of S-NPP and NOAA20 MIRS v11.8 on NDE
Impact on users: Yes
File names have changed to:
List of Scientific Changes:
1) Added J02 (NOAA-21) processing capability.
2) Updates to the snowfall rate (SFR) algorithm software including
final version is ready for J02 processing
machine learning based snowfall detection algorithms for SNPP and NOAA-20
new radiometric bias corrections for SNPP and NOAA-20
cloud temperature initialization for SNPP and NOAA-20
machine learning based ice water path initialization for SNPP and NOAA-20 over CONUS
machine learning based SFR bias correction for SNPP and NOAA-20 over CONUS
3) Integration of an additional option for the radiometric bias correction for S-NPP and NOAA-20. The new option is a dynamic bias correction which uses a machine learning approach to compute a unique bias correction for each individual scene based on its radiometric and geophysical characteristics. The default option remains as before, the use of a static bias correction. Selection of the bias correction option is determined in the static tuning files located under data/StaticData/TuningData. Separate tuning files with flags set to use the machine learning correction are contained in the package and can be used by simply modifying the PCF to point to these files. (Note: prior to recommending this option for operations, the science team will brief stakeholders at a future date on comparative results to make sure there is consensus on switching to the new option).
4) Added one new parameter ‘char quality_information’
5) Added one new attribute ‘ascend_descend_data_flag ’ in the global metadata
6) Made the global attributes better compliance with NDE guidelines and CF conventions
Operational Update of S-NPP and NOAA20 OMPS V8TOS/TOZ/LP on NDE:
Impact on users: Yes
File names have changed to:
List of Scientific Changes:
1) Added process of medium/high resolution OMPS J02 At present, the LUTs for J02 are the same as J01 which will be updated when real OMPS J02 SDR data are available. The soft-calibrations for J02 are set to zero for future updating.
2) The retrieval algorithm is switched from using narrow bandpass (original) radiance/irradiance to using broader bandpass for the six longest channel wavelengths, and the LUTs for both SNPP and N20 are updated in accordance with this bandpass switch.
3) New radiance adjustments (soft-calibration) are applied to both OMPS NPP and N20 retrievals, which make retrieved ozone and aerosol index agree with each other between NPP and N20, and be consistent with retrievals from previous versions.
4) Source code "O3T_omps.f90" was modified to solve the dimension issue when SDR data switched from Mx3 to Mx4. With the updated file the OMPS V8TOz_v4r2 will be able to process OMPS S-NPP, N20 and J02 for both Mx3 and Mx4 data, and generate EDR products with corresponding dimensions as inputted SDR data.
5) The creation date of soft-calibration and look-up tables was added to the table filename as timestamp of "yyyymmdd", and those filenames plus granule SDR filenames were put in the metadata "source" of EDR output file. Those detailed information would be helpful when making comparisons and quick check of the products from different platforms.
6) Added parameter "pressure" in the product outputs.
7) Added 4 corners geo-location information (LatitudeCorners/LongitudeCorners) in the product outputs.
This delivery uses the V8TOz with 5-nm channels for the longer wavelengths, and can take the 30/177 FOV J02 granules.
This delivery updates some of the climatological tables used in the retrieval algorithm and sets the processing to all three slits instead of just the middle one.
The Eclipse Flag screening for OMPS V8TOZ was implemented in BUFR.
No changes
Algorithm recompilation on RHEL 7:
VIIRS Active Fire M band
GCOM RDR to ASD Converter
Impact on users: NO
Please note: This upgrade will not be performed during Critical Weather Day (CWD).
Also, the contents of this release are subject to change based on user readiness, customer feedback, and management approval.
Additional ESPC notifications will provide further details and updates concerning this release. User feedback and questions should be directed to Shuang Qiu shuang.qiu@noaa.gov
Contact Information: For information on the status of this work, please contact Shuang Qiu shuang.qiu@noaa.gov or ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov or 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
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