Correction: Date/Time Initial Impact: June 21, 2022 1200Z J/Day 172
Topic: GOES-17 MDS Meso-1
Date/Time Issued: June 21, 2022 0810Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-17 MDS Meso-1
Requested Center Point: 36.2N/107.5W
Date/Time Initial Impact: June 21, 2022 1314Z J/Day 172
Date/Time of Expected End: June 23, 2022 1200Z J/Day 174
Length of Event: 48 Hours
Requester: Central Region Headquarters
Priority: 5 National Event DSS/NSSE-SEAR/Radar Outage
Details/Specifics of Change: Radar outage at GJT and PUB.