Topic: Planned PDA Partial Failover to CBU and Full Outage of PDA OPS at NSOF 

Date/Time Issued:  May 13, 2021 1340 UTC

Product(s) or Data Impacted:  All products distributed from PDA. Some products will be available at CBU and some will be unavailable for part of the time maintenance window.  

Date/Time of the Initial Impact: Jun 28, 2021 1400Z

Date/Time of Expected End:  Jun 30, 2021 1400Z

Length of the Outage: Failover to CBU ~48 hours; Full outage at NSOF OPS ~6-8 hours

Details/Specifics of Change:  

On Jun 29, a significant storage maintenance activity will take place during business hours that will require a period of about 6-8 hours of complete PDA downtime.  Delivery of GOES-16/17, Metop, POES and other data provided from PDA will cease distribution during that affected time.  When the PDA system is returned to service, it is  anticipated that users will be able to receive and distribute products that were ingested/created during the outage time.  However, there will be a significant backlog on PDA, and it may take several hours for the PDA OPS at NSOF to receive and distribute all the products produced during the outage period.  During the outage PDA period, latency will be impacted as the backlog of products are processed and distributed.

In order to minimize the outage impact, NESDIS  plans to partially activate the Consolidated Backup (CBU) site at Fairmont, WV where only distribution of data and products from S-NPP, NOAA-20 and GCOM-W1 are available.  This failover is expected to begin with the first orbit received after 1400Z on Jun 28 (the day before the outage in OPS) and end with the next orbit received after 1400Z on Jun 30 -- the day before and after the full PDA OPS outage. The exact times of the failover will be announced closer to the event.   It is noted that while in this data failover configuration, S-NPP, NOAA-20 and GCOM-W1 data and products will ONLY be at CBU for that period of about 48 hours and then will be returned to the nominal PDA OPS system at NSOF 

At this time duplicate data will not be distributed between PDA OPS and CBU; therefore, pull users will be safe to pull data from both sites starting at the time of partial failover and until about 1.5 hours after failback end time while the final NDE products are created at CBU.  

PDA staff will available to help troubleshoot users’ issues with failover from 0930 EDT / 1330 UTC until 1500 EDT / 1900 UTC on Mon Jun 28 and from 1030 EDT / 1430 UTC until 1400 EDT / 1800 UTC on Wed Jun 30 for failback. Staff will be totally focused on the maintenance on Tue Jun 29, so it will be very important for users to identify any problems with CBU access on Mon Jun 28. Email and someone will provide the google meet or phone number.  

If there is critical weather (CW) on Jun 28, the event will be delayed one day to begin Jun 29. If CW is declared before start of the event to go into Jun 29 or beyond, the event will be postponed until the week of Jul 12. This is due to expected reduced staffing levels for all affected groups the holiday week.  

Contact Information for Further  Information: ESPC Operations at and 301-817-3880.

Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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