Topic: GOES-16 MDS Meso-2 Request
Date/Time Issued: December 09, 2021 0950Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-16 MDS Meso-2
Requested Center Point: 32.5N/102W
Date/Time Initial Impact: December 09, 2021 1500Z J/Day 343
Date/Time of Expected End: December 10, 2021 0600Z J/Day 344
Length of Event: 15 Hours
Requester: Storm Prediction Center
Priority: 8 SPC Elev or Grtr Fire Wx Otlk OR WFO Red Flag Wrn OR Hot Spot Detection
Details/Specifics of Change: SPC Elevated Fire
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at and 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for Applicable Information: N/A