Administrative: Implementation of GOES-R Ground System Processing Software Update PR.10.03.00 and PR.10.04.00 scheduled on August 19, 2021, Issued: August 18, 2021 1930 UTC
Topic: Implementation of GOES-R Ground System Processing Software Update PR.10.03.00 and PR.10.04.00
Date/Time Issued: August 18, 2021 1930 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-R Land Surface Temperature and GOES-R Cloud Phase
Date/Time of Initial Impact: August 19, 2021 17:31 UTC GOES-16 17:51 UTC GOES-17
Details/Specifics of Change: The next GOES-R Ground System Processing Software Update PR.10.03.00 and PR.10.04.00 scheduled on August 19, 2021
Algorithm Updates in PR.10.03.00 and PR.10.04.00 include:
Land Surface Temperature Algorithm Upgrade
Existing 10km Product
The Land Surface Temperature (LST) Enterprise Algorithm (EA) was developed by STAR and will replace the Baseline LST algorithm currently being used in the GOES-R Ground System. The LST EA incorporates a LHP mitigation strategy that utilizes the difference between Bands 13 & 14 in place of the Band 14 & 15 difference when the Focal Plane Temperature (FPM) exceeds the prescribed threshold.
With the update to the LST EA, the Product Quality Information (PQI) will now be delivered along with the LST data in the end product to help expand the application of the product. The addition of the PQI will result in an increase in the file size.
New 2km Product
A 2 km Full Disk product will now be produced by the Land Surface Temperature algorithm. The product will be available via PDA with the product short name “ABI-L2-LST2KMF”
Cloud Phase Algorithm Upgrade
The Cloud Phase Enterprise Algorithm (EA) was developed by STAR and will replace the Baseline Cloud Phase algorithm currently being used in the GOES-R Ground System. Enterprise Cloud Phase incorporates a LHP mitigation strategy with a naive Bayesian logic that utilizes the Band 7 (3.9 μm) pseudo emissivity along with Band 13/14 beta ratios to come up with a probabilistic determination of the presence of ice clouds. This “Bayesian” path is only used when either ABI Band 11 or 15 is not available due to elevated Focal Plane Temperatures.
Please note: This upgrade will not be performed during Critical Weather Day (CWD).
Contact Information: For information on the status of this work, please contact and ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A