Topic: McMurdo NSF (Centennial) & AFWA(DMSP) circuits are experiencing route flapping and may need to be shut down momentarily to resolve potential data delivery delays to NSF and AFWA.
Date/Time Issued: July 15, 2021 1730Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: JPSS McMurdo Interface
Requested Center Point: McMurdo\Belrose\AT&T
Date/Time Initial Impact: July 15, 2021 1300Z J/Day 196
Date/Time of Expected End: July 15, 2021 - TBD
Length of Event: 13:00:00 GMT – Current
Requester: Raytheon MST
Details/Specifics of Change: The JPSS CGS McMurdo interface has not been impacted. N20 SMD flows out of McMurdo remain unaffected. Network devices between Belrose & McMurdo are experiencing route spanning tree loop , causing network interruption flapping. The possible impacts are to the McMurdo NSF and DMSP AFWA interfaces. The Raytheon Network team is working with AT&T & Belrose to resolve the issue , which may involve temporarily shutting down portions of the interfaces.
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at and 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
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