Update #1: System administrators restored system at 2145Z. Products are starting to recover, but will take several hours to catch up.

Topic:  Partial MIRS outage 

Date/Time Issued:  June 24th, 2021 2206Z 

Product(s) or Data Impacted:  MIRS products from all satellites except S-NPP and NOAA-20. Other products which use MIRS outputs: ETRAP, Arctic Composites, polar satellite composites. 

Date/Time of Initial Impact:  June 24th, 2021 1530Z 

Date/Time of Expected End:  2145Z 

Length of Event:  6 Hours and 15 minutes

Details/Specifics of Change:  A hardware failure has caused MIRS processing for satellites other than N-20 and S-NPP to stop. This includes products from NOAA-19, Metop, DMSP, GCOM, and GPM satellites.

This will cause degradation in other products which use MIRS outputs, notably E-TRAP and Arctic Composite.

Technical teams are evaluating the source of the problem and evaluating options for return to service.

Contact Information for Further  Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov and 301-817-3880.    

Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A


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