Topic: Transitioning FTS operations to the Office of Satellite and Product Operations (OSPO)  

Date/Time Issued: June 7, 2021 1251 UTC

Product(s) or Data Impacted:  Field Terminal Support (FTS) Web Portal 

Date/Time of Initial Impact:  July 2021 (exact date TBD)

Date/Time of Expected End: NA

Length of Outage: NA

Details/Specifics of Change: 

Registered Field Terminal Support (FTS) users were notified on May 3, 2021, that NESDIS is in the process of transitioning FTS operations to the Office of Satellite and Product Operations (OSPO) Environmental Satellite and Products Center (ESPC) and NOAA Website Operations Center (WOC). The new FTS Web Portal is now accessible so that users can get familiar with the new FTS prior to OSPO declaring it operational. The new FTS Web Portal is located at:

NESDIS conducted a successful FTS Operations Readiness Review (ORR) on April 30, 2021, and the parallel operations period started on May 3, 2021.  During the parallel operations period, the legacy JPSS FTS continues to be the operational FTS, but the OSPO FTS is receiving data and the new FTS Web Portal is accessible by users.

The Handover Readiness Review is tentatively scheduled for late July, but it could be held earlier. After a successful HRR then OSPO will declare the new FTS operational and users will not be able to access the legacy (JPSS) FTS Web Portal.  Be aware that prior to the handover, some of the data on the new FTS site might not be current.

FTS users are encouraged to set up an account on the new OSPO FTS:

FTS users need to be aware that the ancillary files in the new FTS now have the original filenames for the files as received by the ESPC. Note that in the legacy FTS, the ancillary files were renamed during distribution through the JPSS ground system to the legacy FTS.

Type of Data

OSPO FTS Example

Legacy FTS Example













Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at at 301-817-3880 or 

Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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