Topic: Product
Outage: ABI L1b Bands 4, 9-16 Cloud and Moisture Bands 9-16, Legacy
Vertical Temperature, Total Precipitable Water, EXIS products, All
Scenes delivered to PDA
Date/Time Issued: Apr 16, 2021 0130Z
Product or Data Impacted:
ABI L1b Bands 4, 9-16 Cloud and Moisture Bands 9-16, Legacy Vertical
Temperature, Total Precipitable Water, EXIS products, All Scenes
Date/Time of Initial Impact: Apr 15, 2021 2250Z
Date/Time of Expected End: Apr 16, 2021 0030Z
Length of the Outage/Event: 1 Hrs 40 Mins
Details/Specifics of Change: GOES-17
ABI L1b Bands 4, 6-16 Cloud and Moisture Bands 9-16, Legacy Vertical
Temperature, Total Precipitable Water, EXIS All Scenes and SUVI 195
products were not produced. All products experienced an outage
beginning at 2250Z on April 15 (Day 105) as a result of unexpected
ground system impacts related to PDA maintenance. Some products
experienced residual impacts and were not produced for an extended
duration. Products returned to nominal distribution as follows:
ABI 2km Radiances (C04, C06-16): 0000Z
ABI 2km CMI (C09-16): 0010Z
Legacy Vertical Temperature: 0030Z
Total Precipitable Water: 0030Z
All EXIS products: 0002Z
SUVI 195: 0007Z