Topic: GOES-16 (GOES-EAST) ABI Encoder and Fine Track Error Calibrations scheduled for January 7, 2021

Date/Time Issued: January 7, 2021 1445Z


Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-16 ABI product outage


Date/Time of Initial Impact: January 7, 2021 1600 UTC


Date/Time of Expected End: January 7, 2021 1630 UTC


Date/Time of Initial Impact: January 7, 2021 1730 UTC


Date/Time of Expected End: January 7, 2021 1800 UTC


Length of Outage: 30 minutes of product outage, about 1 hour of scanning, followed by another 30 minute product outage


Details/Specifics of Change: The GOES-16 FSW update has been postponed and we will only be performing the Encoder and FTE calibrations. A GOES-16 ABI  Encoder and Fine Track Error Calibration will be performed starting on January 7, 2021, at 1540 UTC resulting in two ABI product outages. Products may be degraded between outages.


On Wednesday, January 7, 2021 the following schedule will be employed to support GOES-16 ABI Encoder and FTE Calibrations:


1600 UTC - 1630 UTC: GOES-16 ABI Outage


1630 UTC - Approximately 1730 UTC : GOES-16 Routine ABI Operations Resume with potentially degraded products


Approximately 1730 UTC - Approximately 1800 UTC: GOES-16 ABI outage


Approximately 1800 UTC: GOES-16 Routine ABI Operations Resume


Please note: If Critical Weather Day (CWD) is declared prior to 1500 UTC the calibration will be postponed.


Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880


Web Site(s) for applicable information: See for this and other satellite related messages.


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