Update #1: IDPS Block 2.3 maintenance release Mx0 (IDPS Mx I2.3.00.00) previously scheduled to transition to operations on December 17, 2020 has been rescheduled occur on January 21, 2021.
Topic: JPSS Algorithm Updates in IDPS Block 2.3 Maintenance Release Mx0 Transition To Operations in the Cloud
Date/Time Issued: December 10, 2020 2026 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: S-NPP/NOAA-20 xDRs
Date/Time of Initial Impact: January 21, 2021 1500 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: January 21, 2021 TBD UTC
Length of Outage: TBD
Details/Specifics of Change:
The next Interface Data Processing Segment (IDPS) Block 2.3 maintenance release Mx0 (IDPS Mx I2.3.00.00) is scheduled to transition to operations in the Cloud on January 21, 2021 at 1500 UTC.
Algorithm updates for Build 2.3 Mx 0:
1. ATMS TDR/SDR runtime differences in lunar intrusion regions
The lunar intrusion correction was showing slight differences between the ADL and the IDPS. STAR determined that the root cause of the difference was due to the order of the data packets being processed. The update ensures that the IDPS and ADL process the data in the same order to get similar results.
2. VIIRS SDR Geolocation Algorithm Correction
VIIRS optical model applied in generating VIIRS SDR geolocation products will be improved in IDPS Block 2.3 Mx0. Expected geolocation changes (latitude/longitude) are on a sub-pixel level. Users should only see minor differences in data values or metadata. No actions are required by users.
3. File names will change when put into the Cloud in Block 2.3.
Current filename:
New filename for Cloud operations:
The following table shows the Origin Identifiers for DPN for the Cloud Service Provider (CSP):
Please note: This release will not occur during a Critical Weather Day (CWD).
The contents of this release are subject to change based on user readiness, customer feedback, and management approval. Additional ESPC notifications may provide further details and updates concerning this release.
Any user feedback and questions should be sent to Shuang Qiu at shuang.qiu@noaa.gov
Contact Information: For information on the status of this work please ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov or 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
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