Update #2: Data from SNPP FBK 46950 and NOAA20 FBK 15554 has been recovered from the ground and successfully processed through IDPS. Data connection issue from network has been resolved.  No further updates will be issued.

Update #1: IDPS did not receive data from SNPP starting with FBK 46950 (AOS 150250z) and continuing into NOAA20 FBK 15554 (AOS 155212z). Engineering is currently troubleshooting issue. Data has been observed at site, but not being forwarded to IDPS. Attempts will be made as soon as possible to recover missing data.

Topic: JPSS SNPP Data Delay
Date/Time Issued: November 18, 2020 1848Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted:  All SNPP Data Products

Date/Time of Initial Impact:   November 18, 2020 1500Z

Date/Time of Expected End: November 18, 2020 1700Z 

Length of Outage: 2 hours

Details/Specifics of Change:  IDPS did not receive data from SNPP FBK 46950 (AOS 150250z). Data from SNPP FBK 46950 transferred successfully to ground, but will be delayed until either processing catches up or it is determined that the data needs to be pulled directly from site.

Contact Information for Further Information:  ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov at 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
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