Update #1 The cause of the data delay has been remedied and the distribution of products from the most recent supports has been verified. End users may have to submit ad hoc requests for any possible products they might be missing. 

Topic:  Data Delay of ALL NPP, N20 (J1) and GCOM products


Date/Time Issued: September 22, 2020 0145Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: All products related to NPP, N20 (J1) and GCOM

Date/Time of Initial Impact:   September 21, 2020 2200Z

Date/Time of Expected End:  September 22, 2020 0130Z

Length of Outage: 3.5 Hours

Details/Specifics of Change:The Operational (Primary) String of IDPS experienced a rapid decline to its distribution processes causing ALL NPP, N20 and GCOM final products not to reach all end users. The problem is currently being worked by the IDPS SA(s) and GSE(s).

Contact Information for Further Information:  ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov at 301-817-3880

Web Site(s) for applicable information:  N/A

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