Update #2 (Final Update): Further investigation revealed that the USMCC processing software was duplicating records from the MEOLUTs based on configurations on antennas not yet operational. In effect, the USMCC was processing double the data load, half of which was redundant. While redundant data is nothing difficult for an MCC to handle, under the added load of a busy day for real world data, all these extra records were causing the processing to fall behind. Removing the new configuration records resolved the immediate GEO and MEO processing delay, which was over 40 minutes. LEOSAR data was not delayed during this anomaly. This anomaly was not related to the communications circuit anomalies earlier this week.

Update #1: SARSAT analysts have determined that this anomaly is also causing processing delays for MEOSAR and foreign MCC data. The impact severity of the anomaly has been increased to significant.

Topic:  SARSAT Maryland 1 and 2 Ground Stations Offline

Date/Time Issued:   June 11, 2020 2250Z


Product(s) or Data Impacted:  SARSAT alert data


Date/Time of Initial Impact: June 10, 2020 2210Z 


Date/Time of Expected End:  June 11, 2020 1750Z 


Length of Outage:  19 hours 40 minutes


Details/Specifics of Change:  The USMCC is experiencing an anomaly which is causing a delay in processing data from the SARSAT Maryland 1 and 2 Ground Stations. SARSAT analysts are working to identify and resolve the problem.


Impact:  Minor - Delay in processing of US GEOSAR data. 


Contact Information for Further Information: USMCC Operations usmcc@noaa.gov at 301-817-4576


Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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