Topic: NDE System Upgrade
Date/Time Issued: May 18, 2020 1530 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: All NDE VIIRS clouds and downstream products, GOES 16 ASOS products
Satellite(s) Involved: S-NPP and NOAA-20, GOES 16
Date/Time of Initial Impact: May 18, 2020 1700 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: May 18, 2020 1730 UTC
Length of Outage: 30 minutes
Details/Specifics of Change:
This upgrade is planned to occur during back orbits. NDE will not be ingesting, processing or distributing data during installation. No data loss expected, but there will be a possible backlog of processing when installation is complete.
Starting on April 27, 2020, NCEI stopped producing Reynolds SST V2.0, which is used by VIIRS clouds and downstream products, and GOES 16 ASOS products as an ancillary input. NDE testing of the new Reynolds SST V2.1 is complete. On May 18, 2020 at 1700 UTC, NDE will upgrade Reynolds SST V2.0 to the new Reynolds SST V2.1. This upgrade will allow NDE applications to access current data from the latest version of Reynolds SST.
No actions from users are required.
Contact Information: For information on the status of this work, please contact Shuang Qiu or ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
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