Topic: Certificate updates at NSOF OPS may affect FTPS communication to PDA
Date/Time Issued: April 29, 2020 1230Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: All products transferred via the FTPS communication protocol
Date/Time of Initial Impact: April 29, 2020 1430Z
Date/Time of Expected End: April 29, 2020 1500Z
Length of Event: 30 minutes
Details/Specifics of Change: The ESPC PDA system at the NSOF OPS site will update certificate trust stores that may affect some FTPS communications. During the 30 minute maintenance window there will be a 3 – 4 minute outage for FTPS connections. At 1500Z check to see if FTPS communication failures persist beyond the 30 minute maintenance window. Two FTPS configuration contributors may be the cause;
1) The users system is set to NOT ignore SSL certificate errors, and
2) The user does NOT trust the Active DoD SW CA 53 signing authority.
The combination of these two settings will result in communication negotiation failures and must be corrected.
FTPS communication failures after 1500Z should be communicated by email to for further instruction until 2100Z. The PDA Support team will respond to your email As Soon As Possible. After 2100Z contact the ESPC Help Desk at the email address and/or phone number below.
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at and 301-817-3880.
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
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