Update #1: The Antarctic Data Acquisition has been interrupted. ADA timeliness is no longer available for the indicated satellite.[Rev.2] ADA timeliness is resumed
Topic: Antarctic Acquisition Metop-B data Delay
Date/Time Issued: March 28, 2020 1920Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: All products from Metop-B B3904444.MM
Date/Time of Initial Impact: March 28, 2020 0356Z
Date/Time of Expected End: March 28, 2020 1815Z
Length of Event: 14 Hours 19 Minutes
Details/Specifics of Change: ESPC received an alert from EUMETSAT stating that the Antarctic Data Acquisition has been interrupted. ADA timeliness is no longer available for the indicated satellite. The spacecraft-anomaly is under an ongoing investigation.
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov and 301-817-3880.
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A