Message number: | 6746 |
Message creation: | Thu Mar 19 16:29:18 UTC 2020 |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 4920 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2019-06-27 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2019-06-27 09:00:00.0 |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Detail: | There is an issue with the latest EUMETCast software package, affecting Linux operating systems when the Tellicast client software (version 2.14.5) is used in combination with the Safenet drivers. A new alpha version of Tellicast, with a fix of the issue, is available for download. See the URL provided below. |
Url: | |
Issue Time: | 2019-06-27 11:18:18.0 |
Services: |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5355 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2019-11-14 00:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-04-15 00:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subsystem: | GOME-2 |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Impact: | data-degraded |
Detail: | The Metop-A satellite with GOME-2 on-board is currently in drifting orbit. As a consequence there are periods during which the GOME-2 instrument is not able to carry out its daily solar calibration measurement. The third such period will be from 14 November 2019 to 14 April 2020. During this period, the solar mean reference spectrum provided in the Metop-A GOME-2 level-1B product will be automatically replaced by a modelled solar spectrum using information on solar activity from Metop-B. Therefore, it is expected that the quality of both level-1B and level-2 products might undergo slight changes during this period, and there will be an associated risk of degraded product quality for Metop-A GOME-2 products. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-01-10 07:39:08.0 |
Services: |
GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-A GOME-2 AHRPT Metop-A AC SAF - Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5475 |
Rev: | 4 |
Start Time: | 2020-01-06 00:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-04-29 00:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subsystem: | ASCAT |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Impact: | risk-of-interruption |
Detail: | Calibrations to support transponder test. Outages of products can be expected, during satellite passes over Turkey. [Rev. 2] End date updated. [Rev. 3] End date updated to 19th April 2020.[Rev. 4] End date updated. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-18 11:13:08.0 |
Services: |
ASCAT Level 1 - Metop-A ASCAT Soil Moisture - Metop-A |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5596 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-01-29 00:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2021-12-31 23:59:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subsystem: | HRPT |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | HRPT switching zone drift. Risk of interruption. The Metop-A satellite is currently in drifting orbit. As a consequence the geographical zones, defined to control the switching times of the satellite HRPT system, are drifting westwards at a rate of 0.02 degree per day. Users near the borders of switching zones might experience small changes in their acquisition times of the HRPT signal. On-board timings will be updated approximately every 8 months to compensate for the drift geolocation. A dedicated announcement will be issued in advance of each of these updates. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-02-03 10:12:03.0 |
Services: |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5566 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-02-07 20:30:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-03-30 20:30:00.0 |
Satellites: | MET-8 |
Subject: | eclipse-season |
Impact: | risk-of-degradation |
Detail: | There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 20:30 to 23:00 in the given time period. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-01-22 16:24:40.0 |
Services: |
IODC SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data IODC Meteosat Meteorological Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5567 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-02-24 22:30:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-04-13 01:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | MET-10 |
Subject: | eclipse-season |
Impact: | risk-of-degradation |
Detail: | There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 22:30 to 01:00 next day in the given time period. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-01-22 16:27:24.0 |
Services: |
RSS SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data RSS Meteosat Meteorological Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5568 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-02-27 23:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-04-12 01:30:00.0 |
Satellites: | MET-11 |
Subject: | eclipse-season |
Impact: | risk-of-degradation |
Detail: | There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 23:00 to 01:30 next day in the given time period |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-01-22 16:29:43.0 |
Services: |
0° SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data 0° Meteosat Meteorological Products |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 5707 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-03-20 14:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-09-21 15:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | MET-8 |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Detail: | From 20/03/2020, the daily Meteosat-8 Upper HRV Window shift time will change from 14:00 UTC to 15:00 UTC to better optimise the illumination for the Spring/Summer season. The 15:00 UTC shift time will remain in place until 21 September 2020 included. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-04 16:09:42.0 |
Services: |
IODC SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data IODC Meteosat Meteorological Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5742 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-03-23 18:17:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-03-23 19:16:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subsystem: | GOME-2 |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | GOME2 monthly measurements of GOME-2 polarisation (PMD) data in raw readout mode (PMDRAW). The AC SAF Near Real Time Total Column products (Total Column Ozone, the Total Column NO2, and the Tropospheric NO2) will be unavailable. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-18 11:14:14.0 |
Services: |
GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-A GOME-2 AHRPT Metop-A AC SAF - Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5748 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-03-23 19:15:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-03-23 20:14:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-C |
Subsystem: | GOME-2 |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | GOME2 monthly measurements of GOME-2 polarisation (PMD) data in raw readout mode (PMDRAW). The AC SAF Near Real Time Total Column products (Total Column Ozone, the Total Column NO2, and the Tropospheric NO2) will be unavailable. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-18 13:12:27.0 |
Services: |
GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-C GOME-2 AHRPT Metop-C AC SAF - Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5746 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-03-23 19:44:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-03-23 20:43:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-B |
Subsystem: | GOME-2 |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | GOME2 monthly measurements of GOME-2 polarisation (PMD) data in raw readout mode (PMDRAW). The AC SAF Near Real Time Total Column products (Total Column Ozone, the Total Column NO2, and the Tropospheric NO2) will be unavailable. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-18 13:07:48.0 |
Services: |
GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-B GOME-2 AHRPT Metop-B AC SAF - Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5750 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-03-24 08:36:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-03-24 08:43:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-C |
Subsystem: | SEM |
Component: | MEPED |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | SEM MEPED in flight calibration. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-18 13:18:09.0 |
Services: |
SEM L0 - Metop-C SEM AHRPT Metop-C |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5749 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-03-24 08:36:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-03-24 10:19:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-C |
Subsystem: | SEM |
Component: | TED |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | SEM TED in flight calibration. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-18 13:17:12.0 |
Services: |
SEM L0 - Metop-C SEM AHRPT Metop-C |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5745 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-03-24 08:45:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-03-24 08:52:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A |
Subsystem: | SEM |
Component: | MEPED |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | SEM MEPED in flight calibration. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-18 13:05:28.0 |
Services: |
SEM L0 - Metop-A SEM AHRPT Metop-A |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5747 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-03-24 09:28:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-03-24 09:30:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-B |
Subsystem: | SEM |
Component: | MEPED |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | SEM MEPED in flight calibration. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-18 13:09:11.0 |
Services: |
SEM L0 - Metop-B SEM AHRPT Metop-B |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5754 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-03-25 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-03-25 10:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Himawari-8 |
Subject: | ground-segment-maintenance |
Impact: | data-delayed |
Detail: | Due to a network maintenance of the HimawariCloud system by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) Himawari-8 Image data in the given time period will be delayed and will be uploaded after the maintenance is completed. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-19 10:45:08.0 |
Services: |
Himawari Products |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 5673 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-03-25 10:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-03-25 10:00:00.0 |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Detail: | As part of a consolidation of EUMETCast channel usage, the channels used for the distribution of SAF data and some other data will change on 25/03/2020. Users should make sure they change their channel configuration in order to be able to continue receiving these data after 25/03/2020. For full details, see the URL provided below. |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-02-20 11:24:30.0 |
Services: |
IASI Sounding Products - Metop-B ASCAT Soil Moisture - Metop-B IASI Sounding products- Metop-C ASCAT Soil Moisture - Metop-C EARS-ASCAT AC SAF - Products LSA SAF - Products OSI SAF - Products ROM SAF - Products CM SAF - Products H-SAF - Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5751 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-03-26 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-03-26 09:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | NOAA-20 |
Subject: | out-of-plane-manoeuvre |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | Inclination Adjustment Manoeuvre (IAM).This may cause data to be unavailable or degraded during the mentioned period. The exact time will be announced closer to the manoeuvre. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-19 07:28:19.0 |
Services: |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5753 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-03-26 12:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-03-26 18:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-B,NOAA-18,NOAA-19 |
Subject: | ground-segment-maintenance |
Impact: | risk-of-interruption |
Detail: | EARS Gander & Edmonton Stations Data Line maintenance with a risk this activity would affect all EARS services. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-19 07:43:37.0 |
Services: |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5752 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-03-30 10:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-04-06 17:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Sentinel-3B |
Subsystem: | SLSTR |
Subject: | instrument-special-operation |
Impact: | risk-of-interruption |
Detail: | On 30 March 2020, the Sentinel-3B SLSTR Cold Finger temperature will be increased from 77.5K to 79.5K to mitigate aging effect on the instrument and maximise instrument availability. This will result in a small increase in NEdT to TIR channels, as well as small changes to the calculated brightness temperature due to a wavelength shift in the channel spectral response function. Sea surface temperature users should ensure they always apply the SSES to minimise the impact of the change (more information can be found in the SLSTR L2 Product Notices – see URL provided below). Please note the SSES will not be optimal for the first few weeks after the update and will be further refined over time as knowledge of the new configuration is gained. As a result of this instrument special operation, there will be a risk period until 17:00 UTC on 30 March. Should instrument decontamination be needed, there would be a risk of interruption to SLSTR (all channels) lasting until 06 April 2020. |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-19 16:17:02.0 |
Services: |
SLSTR Level 1 Products - S3B SLSTR Level 2 Marine Products - S3B |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 5744 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-04-01 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-04-01 09:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | GOES17 |
Subject: | service-change |
Detail: | GOES-West ABI Level 1B data will be available on EUMETCast at a 10-min frequency. For full details, see the URL provided below. |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-18 14:57:02.0 |
Services: |
GOES Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5574 |
Rev: | 3 |
Start Time: | 2020-04-07 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-04-07 17:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-A,Metop-B,Metop-C |
Subsystem: | GRAS |
Subject: | ground-segment-maintenance |
Impact: | risk-of-interruption |
Detail: | Software Release of GRAS PPF. Changes to the GRAS Level 1 product algorithms. The algorithm changes include technical improvements and bug fixes, as well as support to the changed data formats of the auxiliary files provided by the Radio Occultation Support Network (RSN). This message refers to the second phase of the deployment which will use the changed RSN auxiliary files (after a first phase planned to take place on 04 February 2020). [Rev. 2] The second phase of the deployment will no longer take place on 12 February 2020, it is postponed to a future date. [Rev. 3] The second phase of the deployment using the changed RSN auxiliary files is further postponed to 7th April 2020. |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-19 16:27:52.0 |
Services: |
GRAS Level 1 - Metop-A GRAS Level 1 - Metop-B GRAS Level 1 - Metop-C |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 5743 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-04-09 06:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-05-01 12:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | GOES17 |
Subject: | instrument-special-operation |
Impact: | risk-of-interruption |
Detail: | NOAA will conduct a GOES-West ABI Cooling Timeline test from 9th of April – 1st of May every day between 06:00 to 12:00 UTC. During this test phase, GOES-17 operations mode will change from MODE 6 to MODE 3, and this will affect the GOES-West ABI Level 1B data distribution on EUMETCast. For full details, see the URL provided below. There is a risk of missing or degraded data during this time period. |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-03-19 10:22:14.0 |
Services: |
GOES Products |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 5664 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-04-15 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-04-15 09:00:00.0 |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Detail: | The EUMETCast channels on which SNPP CrIS and ATMS global and regional data are distributed will change on 15/04/2020. There will be a period of 3 weeks (from 26/03 to 15/04/2020) during which the data will be distributed in parallel on the current channels and the new channels. For full details, see the URL provided below. |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-02-19 14:24:49.0 |
Services: |
CrlS Level 1 - Suomi-NPP ATMS Level 1 - Suomi-NPP EARS-ATMS EARS-CrlS |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 5699 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-04-22 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-04-22 09:00:00.0 |
Subject: | product-change |
Detail: | SNPP CrIS Sensor Data Records (SDRs) will switch to full spectral resolution (FSR) mode on 22/04/2020. This change will affect both the global and regional data. On the same date, the distribution of SNPP CrIS SDRs in the current nominal spectral resolution (NSR) mode will be stopped. For full details and for sample SNPP CrIS FSR data, see the URL provided below. |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2020-02-28 12:51:04.0 |
Services: |
CrlS Level 1 - Suomi-NPP EARS-CrlS |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 5159 |
Rev: | 1 |
Start Time: | 2020-06-01 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2020-06-01 09:00:00.0 |
Subject: | product-change |
Detail: | A new BUFR encoding sequence will be introduced in June 2020 for all EUMETSAT’s wind products. For full details and sample files, see the URL provided below. |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2019-09-11 16:22:14.0 |
Services: |
0° Meteosat Meteorological Products RSS Meteosat Meteorological Products IODC Meteosat Meteorological Products AVHRR Polar Winds - Metop-A AVHRR Polar Winds - Metop-B AVHRR Polar winds - Metop-C Multi-Metop Wind Products |
Name: | EUMETSAT |
Address: |
Eumetsat-Allee 1 D-64295 Darmstadt Germany |
Telephone: | +49 6151 807 3660/3770 |
Fax: | +49 6151 807 3790 |
E-mail: | |
Internet: | You are receiving
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