Topic: Satellite Ocean Heat Content Suite inclusion of Sentinel-3b Sea Surface Height Anomalies

Date Issued:M-B Issued March 5, 2020 - 1458Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted:Satellite Ocean Heat Content Suite

Date/Time of Initial Impact: March 5, 2020M-B 1200Z

Date/Time of Expected End:M-B Until further notice

Length of Event:M-B Until further notice

Details/Specifics of Change:M-B

As of March 5, 2020 the operational Satellite Ocean Heat Content (OHC) Suite of products are using Sentinel-3b Sea Surface Height Anomalies as input in addition to Jason-3, SARAL/AltiKa,M-B Cryosat-2, andM-B Sentinel-3a Sea Surface Height Anomalies. Links to all basins can be found on the Satellite Ocean Heat Content Suite home page:

Contact Information for Further Information:

Please contact the Product Area Lead (PAL) David Donahue if you encounter any issues with the quality of the product.
David Donahue
Satellite Services Division

Web Site(s) for applicable information:M-BN/A
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