Date/Time Issued: February 21, 2020M-B 1835Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-17 MDS Meso-1
Requested Center Point: 12S/174.2W
Date/Time of Initial Impact: February 20, 2020 1918ZM-B J/Day 051(February 21,2020 1830Z)
Date/Time of Expected End: February 22, 2020 1900Z J/Day 053 (February 23,2020 0800Z)
Length of Event: 37 hours and 30 minutes
Requester:M-B Pacific Region Headquarters
Reason:M-B Tropical Cyclone intensifying near PPG. Tropical Storm Warning posted. M-B
Contact Information for Further Information:
ESPC Operations at
and 301-817-3880