Topic:M-B NoM-BM-BFNMOCM-Bor NAAPS 0000Z synoptic time ancillary data received

Date/Time Issued:M-BM-B Jan 17M-B 2020 1052Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted:M-BAll NPP/J1 products that use NAAPS andM-BFNMOCM-Bancillary data

Date/Time of Initial Impact:M-BM-B Jan 17M-B 2020 1000Z

Date/Time of Expected End:M-BM-BNA

Length of Outage:M-BNA

Details/Specifics of Change:M-BNoM-BFNMOCM-Bor NAAPS ancillary data files were received on the primary and secondary IDPS strings.M-B Some NPP/J1 products could be gracefully degraded until a full set of ancillary data files can be ingestedM-BandM-Bprocessed.

Contact Information for Further Information:M-BM-BESPCM-BOperations atM-BESPCOperations@noaa.govM-BatM-B301-817-3880

Web Site(s) for applicable information:M-B N/A

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