Topic: M-BSARSAT Alaska 1 and 2 Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Ground Stations Offline
Date/Time Issued: M-B December 18, 2019 2227Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: M-BSARSAT alert data
Date/Time of Initial Impact: M-B December 18, 2019 2031Z
Date/Time of Expected End: TBD
Length of Outage: M-BTBD
of Change: M-BAlaska 1 and 2 M-BLEO Ground Stations in Fairbanks, AK is
experiencing an unplanned power outage and is not receiving pass
solution data. Medium-Missed pass vulnerability to other Ground Station
sites being down significantly increased. Distress alert
detection/reporting may be delayed.
Contact Information for Further Information: USMCC Operations at
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A