Topic:GOES-16 Sectorized Cloud and Moisture Band 02 products delivered to AWIPS
Date/Time Issued:Nov 25, 2019 1706Z
Product or Data Impacted:GOES-16 Sectorized Cloud and Moisture Band 02 products MESO 1 delivered to AWIPS.
Date/Time of Initial Impact:Nov 25, 2019 0926Z
Date/Time of Expected End:Nov 25, 2019 1146Z
Length of the Outage/Event:2 Hrs 20 Mins
Details/Specifics of Change:GOES-16 Sectorized Cloud and Moisture Band 02 products MESO 1 delivered to AWIPS. This outage was caused by a ground processing problem that is under investigation
contact information for further information:ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880 or