Update #1:Corrections: The Subject and Topic should have read"Product Anomaly: GOES-17 All ABI L1b and derived productsto AWIPS, GRB, PDA"
a) The problem was an anomaly of ABI that caused all data to become fill. There was not a stoppage of product flow, the products just had bad data.
b) The problem was
just to ABI L1b and derived products. Other instruments were
not affected by
the anomaly.
Topic:Product Outage: GOES-17 All
and derived products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA
Date/Time Issued:Mon April 29, 2019 2015Z
Product(s) or Data
Impacted: GOES-17 All
Instruments/Products and derived products delivered to AWIPS,
Date/Time of Initial
Impact:Sat April 27, 2019 1300Z
Date/Time of Expected
End:Sat April 27, 2019 1542Z
Length of Event:2 Hr. 42
Details/Specifics of
Change: Outage: GOES-17 All
Instruments/Products and derived products delivered to AWIPS,
Contact Information for Further Information:ESPCOperations@noaa.govandross.cox@noaa.gov
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