Update #1 : The USMCC is back Online and Fully Operational. Our technical team successfully restored our database to bring our system back to normal processing as of 1645Z.

Topic: SARSAT USMCC Offline

Date/Time Issued: April 16, 2019 1742Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: SARSAT alert data

Date/Time of Initial Impact: April 16, 2019 1500Z

Date/Time of Expected End: April 16, 2019 1645Z

Length of Outage: 1 hour and 45 minutes

Details/Specifics of Change: The USMCC is unable to process and send Sarsat Alert data due to a system database issue. The Australian MCC and Canadian MCC are providing backup for the USMCC during this outage.

Impact:Significant-All US AOR Distress detection/reporting is affected.

Contact Information for Further Information: USMCC Operationsusmcc@noaa.govat


Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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Update #1 M-bM-^@M-^S Final Update M-bM-^@M-^S The USMCC is back Online and Fully Operational. Our technical team successfully restored our database to bring our system back to normal processing as of 1645Z

Topic: USMCC Offline

Date/Time Issued:April 16, 2019 1600Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: SARSAT alert data

Date/Time of Initial Impact: April 16, 2019 1500Z

Date/Time of Expected End:April 16, 2019 1645Z

Length of Outage:1 hour 45 minutes

Details/Specifics of Change:The USMCC is unable to process and send Sarsat Alert data due to a system database issue. The Australian MCC and Canadian MCC are providing backup for the USMCC during this outage.

Impact:Significant-All US AOR Distress detection/reporting is affected.

Contact Information for Further Information:USMCC Operationsusmcc@noaa.govat

Web Site(s) for applicable information:N/A