Update #2: After final checks were completed on other operational strings, the configuration change to process and deliver S-NPP CrIS SDR hdf5 products was made on IDPS today at 16:11 UTC. Users will receive Products starting with NPP rev #38694 (Observation data starting at 15:15 UTC).


Update #1: M-BDataflow for S-NPP CrIS SDR hdf5 and BUFR products will resume for the LWIR and SWIR portions of the CrIS spectrum on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at 1400 UTC.M-B However, the S-NPP CrIS MW will not be available due to the ongoing anomaly with the MW signal processor. NUCAPS Level 2 products (Outgoing Longwave Radiation, Trace gas retrievals (Ozone, Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide), Atmospheric Vertical Moisture/Temperature Profiles) will continue to be unavailable until the MW is restored.M-B Efforts are still ongoing to restore the S-NPP CrIS MW spectrum and the community will be informed of progress once it becomes available.




Subject: M-BProduct Outage/Anomaly: SNPP CRIS Midwave (MW) Anomaly, Issued: March 29, 2019 2115 UTC


Topic: SNPP CRIS Midwave (MW) Anomaly

Date/Time Issued: March 29, 2019 2115 UTC

Product(s) or Data Impacted: SNPP CRIS products

Date/Time of Initial Impact: March 26, 2019 2000 UTC

Date/Time of Expected End: TBD

Length of Outage: TBD

Details/Specifics of Change: M-BThe SNPP Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) MW (Mid-wave) region started tripping quality flags and resulting in fill data for that portion of the spectrum. The SW (Short-wave) and LW (Long-wave) IR (Infra-Red) regions are nominal.M-B Engineers and the CrIS instrument vendor are analyzing available information to determine whether the root cause is related to a MW signal processor board issue.

Efforts are underway to determine the root cause and to develop options to return the SNPP CrIS MW region back to nominal conditions. The affected MW region is being populated with fill data and the quality flags reflect that portion of the spectrum is not currently usable. M-B

CrIS Products Affected:

Please note: Daily ESPC notices will not be sent until further information is made available warranting another update.

Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov and 301-817-3880

Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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Josh Jankot
User Services Coordinator - Physical Scientist
NOAA/NESDIS/OSPO/ Satellite Products and Services Division
NOAA Center for Weather & Climate Prediction, E/SP05
5830 University Research Court, Rm 3640, College Park, MD 20740
Tel: 301-683-3242, Fax: 301-683-3297

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