Topic: GOES-16 (GOES-East) ABI mode 6 testing
Date/Time Issued: February 1, 2019 1930 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-16 ABI data
Date/Time of Initial Impact: February 8, 2019 1500 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: February 8, 2019 1700 UTC
Length of Event: 2 hours
Details/Specifics of Change:
The GOES-16 (GOES-East) ABI will execute two hours of mode 6 operations on February 8, 2019 from 1500-1700 UTC. Mode 6 operations is a Full Disk every 10 minutes, CONUS every 5 minutes, and 2 meso domains every minute (or 1 domain every 30 seconds). Users shall not request Flex Mode (mode 3) or Continuous Full Disk Mode (Mode 4) for GOES-16 during this test period. Users may request GOES-16 MESO coordinate changes as desired.
GOES-16 will return to Flex Mode (mode 3) at 1700 UTC.
If NWS Regions have any operational concerns, please contact the NCEP SDM (301) 683-1500.
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information:
See for this and other satellite related messages.