Update #1: The maintenance vendor has restarted the front processor software. The USMCC is waiting for the next scheduled pass to confirm data delivery.

Topic: SARSAT Hawaii 2 Earth Orbit (LEO) Ground Station Offline

Date/Time Issued: October 07, 2018 1008Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: SARSAT alert data

Date/Time of Initial Impact: October 07, 2018 0739Z

Date/Time of Expected End:TBD

Length of Outage:TBD

Details/Specifics of Change:Hawaii 2LEO Ground Station in Wahiawa, HI stopped receiving pass solution data. The LUT Vendor is investigating.

Impact:Minor-Dual satellite tracking capability lost. Distress alert detection/reporting timeliness affected.

Contact Information for Further Information:USMCC Operationsusmcc@noaa.govat301-817-4576

Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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