Update #1 M-bM-^@M-^S Final Update M-bM-^@M-^S The LUT Vendor completed troubleshooting the Florida MEO Ground Station.Data distribution has returned to normal as of 2058 UTC.
Topic: SARSATFloridaMedium Earth Orbit (MEO) Ground Station Offline
Date/Time Issued:March 27, 2018 2200Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: SARSAT alert data
Date/Time of Initial Impact:March 27, 2018 1905Z
Date/Time of Expected End: March 27, 2018 2058Z
Length of Outage: 1 hour 53 minutes
Details/Specifics of Change: SARSATFloridaMedium Earth Orbit (MEO) Ground Station alert data has not been received for an extended length of time. TheMEOLUTmaintenance vendor and SARSAT analysts are working to resolve the problem.
Impact: The impact of this outage has yet to be determined.
Contact Information for Further Information:USMCC Operationsusmcc@noaa.govat301-817-4576
Web Site(s) for applicable information:N/A