Date/Time Issued: December 11, 2018 1540 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: Meteosat-11 Data
Date/Time of Initial Impact: January 21, 2019
0900 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: January 28, 2019 0900
Length of Data Outage: 7 days
Details/Specifics of
Change: From January 21 - 28, 2019, EUMETSAT plans
to perform a decontamination of the Meteosat-11 (Prime
satellite; 0 degrees longitude) SEVIRI instrument.
Meteosat-11 data will be interrupted during this time
period. To compensate for the loss of Meteosat-11 image
data and Meteorological products, EUMETSAT Meteosat-9 data
will be provided as a backup data source from January 14 -
February 4, 2019. For a week prior to and following the
scheduled Meteosat-11 SEVIRI decontamination period,
Meteosat-9 and Meteosat-11 data will be disseminated in
parallel. All the while, Meteosat-9 data will be
rectified to 0 degrees. Meteosat-9 data availability a
week prior to (starts January 14) the Meteosat-11
decontamination period will enable users to prepare for
the Meteosat-11 data outage.
Meteosat-9 product files
will be labeled "MSG2."