Update #1 Final Update: MD1: Faulty Low Noise Converter (LNC) and faulty Bias-T. These were replaced with a spare components.

GSE: Faulty cable connector at the antenna.  A new connector was installed.

Topic:  SARSAT Mayland (GSE) and Maryland 1 Geostationary (GEO) Ground Stations Offline

Date/Time Issued:   August 16, 2024 0237Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted:  SARSAT alert data

Date/Time of Initial Impact:   July 31, 2024 1822Z

Date/Time of Expected End:  August 16, 2024 0230Z

Length of Outage:  15 days, 8 hours, 8 minutes

Details/Specifics of Change: Maryland 1 and Maryland (GSE) GEO Ground Stations are not sending pass solution data. Maryland (GSE) was configured to track G-16 in place of Maryland 1 being offline since June 24, 2024. The maintenance vendor is investigating this issue.

Impact: Medium- Loss of US GEOSAR coverage. LEOSAR and MEOSAR are nominal.

Contact Information for Further Information: USMCC Operations usmcc@noaa.gov at 

Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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